29.6.23 "Aesthetics" 
6.7. "Introduction to Shibari" 
17.7. "Tantric Massage & Ropes"
24.8. "Basic Tying Techniques" 
31.8. "Ropes & Emotions"
8.9. "Beginners" 
9-10.9. "Full Shibari Weekend"
14.9. "The Art of Surrender"
21.9. "Basic Tying Techniques"
1.10. "Learning Trust"
4-5.11. "Full Shibari Weekend"

Join for 4 workshops and I'll gift you the 5th for free.

Focus: "Aesthetics"

Date: Thursday, 29.06.23
Time: 18.30 - 21.45
Location: Zurich
Investment: 127 CHF (110 CHF early bird 2 weeks before event)
Language: English/German

Shibari is the ancient Japanese art of bondage. This workshop focuses on creating beautiful patterns with ropes on the skin. We learn different ties to create aesthetic designs to please the eye. Our ties combine functionality and beauty while the rigger and the model remain connected through conscious touch and movement.

The environment is a safe(r) and loving space where we emphasize the connection that establishes between the polarities. It will be with clothes on and without involving sexuality.

You can come alone, or with a partner you would like to share this experience with. No previous experience is required.


If you'd like to register for workshops after June, please send me a message, as the new website and the registration is in the making. 

Infos for future events:

Telegram: or


Payments are made before the workshop simultaneously with the registration.

Cancellation policy for workshops: over ten days 100%, over five days 50%, less than five days 0%, replacement found 100%


I organise public workshops, but you are also welcome to privately book workshops for your group. Workshops may include learning about safety and consent, specific shibari knots in pairs and shibari suspension demonstration. The content and length of the workshop can be discussed in advance. 

Either you provide a location or I can arrange one for an additional fee.

PUBLIC Workshops

127CHF per person

Private Workshops 3-4h

3-6 participants

160CHF per person

Private Workshops 3-4h

7-13 participants

120CHF per person

Private Workshops 3-4h

14-20 participants 

90CHF per person

Private Workshops 3-4h

21 participants and more

60CHF per person

Request for PRIVATE shibari workshops

pictures: @avishagaya @eyeofescott @sashtangi
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